Each year, the Bethany community is invited to participate in the peacemaking work of the church. On the first Sunday in October, October 6, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday, when we acknowledge the relationship to all our sisters and brothers in Christ worldwide. We will honor the diversity of our faith by including breads from all over the world as part of the communion sacrament.
Also on October 6, we will launch the Peace and Global Witness Offering, a special offering of the Presbyterian Church, a way of continuing the ancient Christian practice of sharing what we have with people in need. A letter will be sent to the congregation at the end of September with more details.
The Peacemaking Offering has several different designated recipients: 50% goes to the PCUSA for projects nation and worldwide; 25% goes to the SF Presbytery for local projects; and 25% is retained by Bethany to use in a way that promotes peace in our own community.
Blessings to each of you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Shalom.
Peace & Global Witness 2024 Special Offering