Who is welcome?
Everyone! No matter your age, social status, abilities, or where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome to come and worship the Living God with us. All people are welcome at Bethany, and we are proud to be a welcoming and affirming, More Light congregation. Read our official Welcoming Statement here. We welcome our 4-footed friends too! Many a dog has attended worship with us, and we're always happy to see furry family members!
When and where?
Sunday worship is at 10:00 a.m. Immediately following worship is a time of fellowship, when you will often find coffee, tea and light snacks.
Our address is 2400 Rosewood Drive in San Bruno, California. You will find directions and an interactive map here.
What about COVID-19 precautions?
Please see our guidelines here.
What is Bethany all about?
Bethany is a beloved community of lively Presbyterians with diverse beliefs across the Christian spectrum. We are multi-generational, traditional and contemporary, prosperous and struggling, faithful and questioning, and all are welcome in our midst. We are a progressive Presbyterian congregation, committed to serving God by serving our community and the world. Worship is the cornerstone of life at Bethany: the message, prayers of intercession and music are at the heart of the way we worship God. If you have any other questions about our beliefs and traditions, please contact us.
What happens during a worship service?
Worship at Bethany includes a time of spiritual preparation, greeting each other with the Peace of Christ, sacred music (in traditional, contemporary, classical and other styles), reading of Scripture, a sermon, and prayers. We do our best to blend traditional and contemporary musical styles. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month, and everyone is welcome at our Table. To see more about recent worship services, check our This Week in Worship page.
Are children welcome?
Of course! We love the little ones; children are our hope and delight at Bethany, and the congregation delights in the sweet sounds of young life. The youngest children in our midst are welcome to remain in worship with their families. We have a small children's worship center available for the children to help them feel comfortable (and entertained) while they participate in worship in ways that are appropriate for their ages. We invite families of every kind to enjoy worshipping together. Please welcome your friends and their young families to join us in worship anytime!
I don't have a thing to wear!
We don't have a dress code, so please don't let concern over wearing the "right" clothes keep you away. Just come as you are, and dress in what is comfortable for you. We are eager to meet you and happy that you have come to worship with us.
What is a welcoming, affirming, More Light church?
Essentially, this means that we are LGBTQ-friendly. We belong to an organization called More Light Presbyterians, which supports inclusive congregations, provides education, offers advocacy training, and works toward the full inclusion of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning) Christians in the life and ministry of the Presbyterian Church.
I had a bad experience at a church once...
That's terrible! We know that such things do happen to people, but it is shameful when they do. Church should always be a safe and loving place. Give us a chance. At Bethany we understand that each of us is flawed and broken; not one of us is perfect! We will welcome you where you are, exactly as you are, with open hearts.
I don't usually attend church. What if I don't even know what I believe?
We are all seekers. At Bethany, all people have a place at Christ's table. Whether you've spent your whole life going to church, or you've never belonged to a congregation at all, there is always more to understand about our spiritual lives. We welcome you to ask questions when they arise, and join in as we seek out answers and new questions together.
I have a physical disability...
We are ready for you! Our sanctuary is accessible and easily convertible to accommodate wheelchairs or other apparatus. If there is anything we can do to make your visit more comfortable, please just let us know.
What makes Bethany a Presbyterian church?
Bethany is a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA). In short, Presbyterians affirm that God comes to us with grace and love in the person of Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose for us so that we might have eternal and abundant life in him. As Christ’s disciples, called to ministry in his name, we seek to continue his mission of sharing the good news, feeding the hungry, healing the broken, and welcoming strangers. God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, giving us the energy, intelligence, imagination, and love to be Christ’s faithful disciples in the world.
Frequently Asked Questions