The 2017 Spring Tea, benefitting the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Birthing Center, was held on Saturday, May 6, 2017. The ZSFG Birthing Center assists many single and homeless mothers with their new babies. Our guest speaker was Meg Miller from the Birthing Center.
Our guest speaker was Meg Miller, a R.N. specialist who absolutely loves her job and looks forward to going to work every day. We also saw a documentary about Jackie, a woman who makes baby quilts for the Center. A variety of Jackie’s quilts were on display at the Tea. Jackie’s quilts are truly works of art, each uniquely made and so beautiful, made with love and affection for the children who will receive them.
It was a lovely afternoon for such a beautiful event. We enjoyed a wonderful tea service, highlighted by cute “diaper” cake centerpieces made by Donna Goodwin. The baby shower produced 2+ carloads of baby items for the Center, and we also raised $2,500 for additional items for the Center. The basket raffle was a highlight of the afternoon, with happy winners, especially two little girls who won the Movie Basket and jumped up and down, celebrating their win! Many thanks to Lyn Hughes and all of people who made the Tea so wonderful!
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