A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church

This Week in Worship

Facebook Live Worship - Sunday at 10:00

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In Every Place Where God is Praised

Community of Christ

From Wisdom Emerging

  June 25, 2017                                                                                                                 Worship Notes

Shining More Light on Diversity

Sermon by Ananda Barclay,

Co-Moderator of More Light Presbyterians

Prayer of Preparation

Call to Worship







Morning Prayer


Response Hymn #413

Preparation for the Word



Sermon by Reverend





Celebration of Holy Communion

Sermon by Reverend "


Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

Meditation by Reverend



#232 "Jesus Christ is Risen Today"

#411 "God is Here Today"

#305 "Come Sing, O Church, in Joy"

April  14, 2017

Good Friday

Hymn - #219 "They Crucified My Lord

Evening Prayer

Crucified and Sovereign Jesus, we confess that we have been untrue to you. Like Peter, we have denied  you, stood with our neighbors and acted as though we never knew you. You did not leave us, even when we betrayed your love and sacrifice. We break our promises, but your word is never broken. Forgive us for being weak in the face of adversity and conflict, for fleeing when the going gets tough, for forsaking you. You must have the last word – and it is “Father, forgive them.”


Jesus in Gethsemane

Mark 14:26-31

Response - “Jesus Remember Me”  #227

Jesus is arrested

Mark 14:32-42

Response - “Jesus Remember Me”  #227

Chancel Drama: "I Ran Away"

Members of the Sanhedrin Council, the accused and witnesses

Questioning of Matthew, Rebecca, and Eli

Response - “Were You There”  #228 verses 1 & 2

Naomi, the witness

Questioning of Simon Peter and Andrew

Response - “Were You There”  #228 verses 3 & 4

Questioning of Mary

The Council’s response to all those gathered for this meeting

Response - “Were You There”  #228 verse 5

Affirmation of Faith

Christ Jesus, you hung upon a cross and died for us so that we might live for you.  Your body was broken and your blood shed so that we might be healed and made whole.  You were faithful unto death so that we might be faithful unto life.  Your last command was that we might love one another - one family together from every tribe and nation.  A new creation united through your sacrifice, redeemed by your blood, healed by your love, united by your covenant of peace. In your death, may we find life.

Hymn  “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” #223






1  2  3   4   5

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Preparation of the Table

Invitation and Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

LEADER: The Lord be with you

PEOPLE: And also with you

LEADER: Lift up your hearts

PEOPLE: We lift them up to the Lord

LEADER: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God

PEOPLE: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

LEADER: Let us pray.  Almighty and ever-living God...

Words of Institution

Sharing of the Cup and Bread

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Prayers of the People

Video Coming Soon!

For live Worship on Sunday

go to Facebook Live at 10:00 a.m. PDT

Video Coming Soon!

For live Worship on Sunday

go to Facebook Live at 10:00 a.m. PDT